Identity Politics PP 333 (Fall 2023)



Computational Tools for Social Science SPE 489 (Fall 2023)


Visualizing Data SPE 487 (Spring 2023)


American Political Behavior PP 302 (Spring 2022, Spring 2023)



Survey Research PP484 (Fall 2022)




Teaching Experience: Instructor

Graduate Bootcamp in R Statistical Programming (2016-2019)

PS6: Intro to Data Analysis (Summer 2018)

Cluster 60A: Intro to Data Analysis — Public Opinion in the 1960s (Spring 2019)

Teaching Experience: Teaching Assistant

Political Communications, UCLA (Fall 2018; Winter 2018)

American Politics, UW (Fall 2014; Winter 2014; Spring 2015)


Skills Building in Graduate School

My talk to CGU graduate students: Skills Building in Graduate School

On being a successful graduate student

My talk to CGU graduate students: The Hidden Curriculum: What You Should Learn in Grad School (But Might Not)

Arthur Sprirling Advice on Being a Graduate Student

UCLA REPS Lab Manual: Establishing and Maintaining a Writing Routine, Building Theoretical Frameworks, Managing Failure as a Professional Researcher

Michael J. Nelson: On Reading Papers like a Prof

On Writing Academic Papers

On Writing Academic Papers (cont.)

On Navigating an R&R from APSR editors

On Doing Research

OUP Guide to Academic Writing

Free student access to programming classes

Github Student

Experimental Methods Resources

Creating Realistic Stimuli with Chrome Developer Tools

Recent research on best practices in experimental political science

Public Data Sources Political Data

Polling, Voting, and Census Data Resources

Presidential, Senatorial, & Gubernatorial Elections in the U.S. Counties, 1872-2020

Social Explorer for Aggregated Census Data

Media Analysis

Melange of different poli sci datasets from Joseph Coll

County Name to Fips Crosswalks

Klarner County FIPS Matching Tool

Text as Data

text package in R attempts to provide user-friendly access and pipelines to HuggingFace’s transformer language models

Ben Noble’s class on text as data offered 2024 to Syracuse University

Diff in Diff Methods

Readings and Code for Diff in Diff Methods

Checklist for DiD Practitioners (see Table 1)

Shapefiles and Spatial Data

Historic Shapefile Boundaries (state, county, congressional district, and zip code) 1629 - 2000

Bridging Census Tracts Over time

Spatial data for R (free book)

MRP Guides and Software

Guide by Rob Williams

Guide by Jonathan Kastellec (w/data)

AAPOR Presentation by Doug Rivers

MRP With rstanarm by Lauren Kennedy and Johan Gabry

MRP using brms and tidybayes by Tim Mastny

Target Estimation and Adjustment Weighting for Survey Nonresponse and Sampling Bias by Caughey et al 2019

Measuring Attitudes – Multilevel Modeling with Post-Stratification book chapter by Leeman and Wasserfallen // Code Guide to Accompany Leeman and Wasserfallen Chapter

An Introduction to Multilevel Regression and Post-Stratification for Estimating Constituency Opinion // Replication Data

DGO R Package

Method behind DGO R Package