Tyler is an assistant professor in the Department of Politics and Government at Claremont Graduate University. During the Fall of 2024, he'll be a Visiting Scholar in the Jack Citrin Center at UC Berkeley. He received his PhD in political science from UCLA and held a post-doctoral research fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis.

His work uses a variety of methods and original datasets to investigate the effects of demographic change, elites, and media on mass attitudes and behaviors. He has published in PNAS Nexus, American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, British Journal of Political Science, Political Behavior, Public Opinion Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Political Psychology, Political Research Quarterly, Politics and Gender, Politics, Group, and Identities, and others.

His work is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, New Pluralists, National Endowment for Democracy, European Liberal Forum, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, and Partnership for a New American Economy. He has published in popular outlets including the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post.

He teaches courses in American politics, computational social science, and methods.

Tyler has served as the project coordinator for the Nationscape Survey (Democracy Fund + UCLA) and was Co-PI on the ongoing Multi-Wave National Panel Study of COVID-19.

His Google Scholar page can be found here.